You Find What You Seek. (And What Do You Seek?)
What you seek, you will find, and you will find more of it than you imagine.
If you want to discover outrage, it will be there.
If you want to discover love, it will be there.
If you want to discover instability, it will be there.
If you want to discover stability, it will be there.
If you want to discover disharmony, it will be there.
If you want to discover harmony, it will be there.
Therefore, examine your core motivation, before you give your attention to any topic.
For example, you decide that you want to explore love, but all you see is disharmony, and you can not unsee it, because it is what you are encountering.
Now… is it possible that your perception is being boosted toward love by signals such as “not that”, “not that either”?
Are you too distracted to go toward what you truly want — love?
Do you benefit in some way from giving attention to something else than your conscious choice, or from your distractibility?
Are you mistaking the intensity that disharmony provides for love?
Does your subconscious believe your conscious mind, in other words, have you acted today like you trust your conscious choice?
Are you seeking compassion through observing disharmony, observing that which is not your goal, and thereby in a roundabout way, seeking love?
Your mind is yours, and you are choosing all the time from the vast offering of possible experiences. You can train your mind to notice everything neutrally and nonjudgmentally, and then pick what you prefer anyway. In a similar way as you would when you sit in a place with many sounds and some appeal to you more than others and create a rhythm in your mind that intrigues you: you perk up when you combine the sounds in that way, and without noticing, you have already made your choice, the choice that is intuitively the best one for you. (The person sitting beside you might hear something quite different. It is also what is most in line with his, or her, attention and preferences.)
Possible realities are being broadcast to us all the time; we choose either what we know intimately or what gives us a desired feeling.
Choosing a very unfamiliar experience (when a desired feeling does not belong to the already experienced repertoire) is possible, but only by guiding the mind toward it. Not once or twice, but in a repetitive effort.
You need to do both — be proactive and stay receptive in order to create a different experience.
And some experiences are worth reaching for, making and letting happen.
8 December 2016