But I had no other addictive habits either - except diet pepsi until 1995. After that, I was free from all addictive habits.
No cigarettes, no pot, no sex addiction, no drugs, no conflict addiction, no nothing...
To my recollection, I was the only one in our circle and in the circles I was in later, after 2000, who can claim that.
The only commitment I had was to the reiki practice, which took other bad habits away too.
It just did not seem this way. Because there was no reference point (for my choice), and there were plenty of extremely difficult moments that I walked through with an unaltered consciousness, and I never rubbed it in -- to anyone.
Our entire circle was heavily — and immensely — addicted. It seemed utterly normal, status boosting and even an "achievement" to be that way. Being sober was a lot more unusual and somewhat exclusionary than being hooked on some kind of thing, or having your energy be directed by an unwell habit.
I lived through it. So I know. :)