“This One Virus Is Not the Last Challenge Before You”
It is summer 2020. We are most likely looking at another wave of covid-19 measures. Although I wrote these words in March, as a segment of a longer writing, you can use gratitude and the show of sanity as the material for your creativity.
(Look, the media have oversaturated us with outrage and insanity— perhaps you don’t want to act as their trash can anymore? Perhaps you understand it as a mind game too; that is what it is. Write about the things you want to remember. It is more fun and health-promoting.)
“Seeing people reach out to neighbours who can not move around so easily is also more proof that most people’s lives, most people’s experienced reality, are at odds with the horror stories that the media have been profiting from for a too long time. There is a lot of material for writers and creatives in every day events, in how those you observed handled a crisis, in how difficult situations turned people into their friendliest, most skilled, best selves.. Take that material and offer it: it is an almost unexplored territory in our era and it resonates!”
The full writing is at: