The Zone of Lovely
Whether something comes to us freely or with a lot of effort is quite irrelevant. What counts is the feeling that it elicits. When we like it, we take care of it.
Ambivalence or outright dislike can not draw out responsibility and loving behaviour — not in the long run. What we truly care about and a deep happiness motivate us to act from love — regardless of moods and levels of energy.
Discovering what you like — really, really like — is a key experience in life that alters its course for the better. Once you drop into it, the enjoyment of what and who you interact with grows fast, and so does your ability to nurture. In short, your true preferences turn you into a human being… instead of a mere consumer, or as Rumi called it, a “worm” that devours everything in sight without discrimination.
Encourage people to discover what they like and to connect with that: it is very fulfilling, and it develops the best traits.
Let your example of tending to the things you like be the green light for them to eliminate unimportant activities and give their time to what they love.
23 July 2017
#preferences #rightfit #bliss
#experiencehighquality #mindfulliving
#nurturing #joy #creativity #santosha
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