The Good Work Of Others Is Theirs. It Is Yours Too If You Follow Their Example.
Someone who has been using her/his mind for a long time will not change just because you show up.
Someone who has been using his/her heart for a long time will not change just because you show up.
You can be a positive influence, or you can be someone they want to forget. It is up to you. Not up to them. Not at all.
Never make yourself responsible for ingrained patterns developed over the years that are not your own. But be grateful for the habits that motivate you to become a better person, that keep you clear and strong. Even if you haven’t earned them, you can benefit from another person’s merits.
Although you can only be responsible for yourself, you can practise for all, for the good of all, and make more clarity and light available to all.
2 October 2016