Snap Out Of Spiritual Boredom, And Work On Your Life.
All spiritual merits have high value. But the level of difficulty or ease is different for each individual.
Certain practices come to you naturally, without second thought. Sure, you can aim to improve at everything. But be alert for signs of getting stuck: messages that are high and benign will sound stale, “noisy”, like slogans that make you yawn.
Admit it to yourself, and move to areas you haven’t given equal attention to. Maybe it is not your personality you have to conquer, after all, but new routines that make your life work, or your purpose.
When in doubt, hit the fast forward button and imagine yourself as the person who delivers the message. Believe me, it is the best guidance system that leads you to your next step. Life moves forward. Your spiritual journey goes on too.
If you find yourself being the sanest and most refined person in a circle, take that sanity and refinement and bring it to an area of life where you haven’t advanced. You will always find it — because everything you gave your full attention to required that you give up something.
Envision your life like a garden, given to your care. You can leave the most fertile patch to its own devices and introduce your loving touch to a less active yard.
28 February 2015
PS: This is the lemonade made from the lemons of 2014.
I am preparing a richer yield this year.
Art by Jean Stewart. Visit the charming artist at