Late Summer Earth Send Of 2024

Nanda Jurela
4 min readSep 21, 2024


Painting by Heejune Shin, whom you can visit @ Please do!

Aloha, reiki practitioners, co-meditators and co-creators,

accept my simple invitation to today’s Earth Send. Welcome again.

Reiki is going out to all who asked for it and can receive it. Warm appreciation and thanks go out to all who work to revitalize the soil, clean the waters, and improve our health and mental health. Light goes out to solution orientation, goodwill and strength of character.

It is a spectacular time of the year in the Northern hemisphere — with the elevated temperatures — . I will soak up the sun for as long as I can.

The change of the season is perfect for a brand new curriculum. Good luck to all of you who enrolled in education this September. Good luck to your children and grandchildren in school and college.

Becoming teachable and open to new information and new aptitudes and coming into contact with people with similar interests is a privilege and a great fortune that we can mark and make the best of.

Without the education that I had, I would not be the person I am today. Occasionally, I take it for granted and make myself think that it is nothing so special — until I get a reminder of who I would have become without it. It corrects my outlook in a second.

Shay in Florida, who I have asked reiki and good thoughts for last week, thanks everyone for the good vibes and healing, as he is recovering from a heart operation. Thanks to a lucky turn of events, his insurance paid for a 3 week stay at a rehabilitation centre. Please continue to keep him in the light and in your good thoughts. He has to solve the housing issue when he leaves the facility in early October. Thank you so much!

Just for today, we recall the reiki precepts. We let go of anger and of worry, we are grateful for the good in our lives, we serve with honesty and goodwill, and we honour the positive influences who left a mark on us, our elders and teachers.

Run the Inner Smile through your organism before you begin your session. How sparkling, beaming from within, and sunny can you make yourself feel?

Greet the land under your feet with this smile. Can you sense that the land is smiling back at you?

Bring you portable creativity tool kit to the session:

~ your portable gratitude container / journal,

~ your bucket list of max. 12 goals, preferably it is a shorter list, or a photo of your vision board,


~ your portable Gallery of Mudita scarf or list of confidants and advisors of the present time.

Our reiki will flow through your creativity tool kit, and our warm focus on your success will stimulate your manifestation process.

After many years of sending reiki out to good causes, I want you to bring the attention “home” and to what you want for yourself. That is balance. It respects what is in our power to affect, boosts proactivity and ownership of our decisions, well-being and direction.

It is erroneous to expect ideal and rarified conditions and specific reactions from the people we care about, and to give events that we can not mold or sway and close-to unattainable expectations that much power. As in, “Only if that happens, I will be at peace / happy / fulfilled / right with me / right with the Creator…” (Choose any desirable state to make the sentence sound sensible to you.)

We discover that our peace is precious in itself and can stand strong, whether feel-good achievements and events are happening or not. We discover that happiness is available even in humble hours and in moments of stress. We discover that fulfilment is possible even when no highlights can be observed for a while. We can get right with ourselves on mundane and basic days. We can be right with the Creator anytime we do our part.

Think about it for a moment: a good experience is made more enjoyable by dazzling and dreamt-up elements; but a good experience is good without bells and whistles too.

Today, we go over our key priorities — health creation and the feedback to our latest goal manifestations. Grade yourself on each topic for clarity. Let me remind you of some vital ones:

sleep hygiene; water intake; health care routines; aplomb, calm and constructive attitude; satisfaction with your income and work; satisfaction with your neighbourhood and home; satisfaction with your relationships; satisfaction with your gift development and creativity; access to what you need; feelings about your future…

Add a few of your own indicators of well-being, serenity and gratitude for the life that you have, if you like.

The grades that you give yourself let you know what to pay attention to and what is going well.

Jotting down your next steps is so useful. Make a practice of it, if you haven’t established it by now.

Sitting in nondistracted awareness is going to make you receptive to ideas, downloads, prompts and realizations like “Wow, what fun!” / “I always loved…” / “I’d like to try that!” When you write down these fleeting impressions and warm insights, you are more likely to pursue and remember them — outside and in between meditations.

A sweet and juicy Friday and a friendly Equinox weekend to all.

I bow in gassho to renewal and remaking and to love. I humbly receive and am grateful that there is plenty to be grateful for.

20 September 2024



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student.

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