It took three generations in Germany to process the fascism of the 1940s - through the education system, a lot of talk in class about the past, a lot of political activism in the late 1960s. Attitudes changed through the painstaking effort of educators, activists, journalists, politicians who distanced themselves from the past and Nazi ideology, even vigorous conversations between intellectuals, cultural creatives, social scientists, teachers, professors, writers and concerned citizens on TV and on the radio.
America is nowhere near wanting to face the pain the settlers inflicted on the First Nations or the damage Trump unloaded on the country in only 4 years, which prepped the country for a "capable dictator", demagogue and fascist.
Only 55% of Republicans believe that the impeachment (reaction to his latest stunt) is constitutional. Many Republicans will keep backing Trump, because they think that he is their best candidate to run for the primaries and then for election in 2024. Many Trumpers believe that he is some kind of force for truth - because he told his base flattering lies in order to secure votes from them. Donald Trump has a record of being an incurable, pathological liar, a text book narcissist, a self-serving billionaire; but his fans love him despite that or because of it.
Of course, things are going into a bad direction, and not toward healing. All the signs that the USA is heading into fascism are blatantly obvious. No one wants to hear it. The discourse is still antagonistic, legalistic, contentious, and it remains on the surface.
Unless something extraordinary happens that redirects that course, it will lead to the only logical outcome, which is a bad and devastating one.
You are picking up correctly that this is not how it can go on.