Herb And Citrus Infused Vinegar

Nanda Jurela
2 min readMar 2, 2021


Photo credit to Shutterstock

I use citrus peel infused vinegar for cleaning. Chamomile infused vinegar also makes an amazing cleaning agent, I have found out.

Since it is almost spring — spring is in the air, though perhaps not yet in the land — , you might find that herb (or peel) infused vinegar is a great tonic for this season. It cleans the blood and your digestive system from all that winter sluggishness. It is refreshing, and it prepares the body for the warmer weather. Many, if not all, wisdom traditions recommended bitter, leafy, “green” and root-like flavours for the season and seasonal fasting. Infused vinegar supports this transition from cold to warm weather quite well.

Before you research all the herbs or exotic spices that would suit you, look at what you already have in your pantry. Start at least one vinegar from those ingredients. I say that because “too much research”, list making and planning slow me down. I believe in my motto Start Small, And Start Now. I always discover that I want to do more — once I start — , and that I get more done.

Citrus peel vinegar provides wonderful nutrients for your plants and soil. Now is a good time to prepare several bottles of infused vinegar that you can use all year.

Apple cider may be the most versatile of types of vinegar. I like rice wine vinegar for the taste; it is nuanced, milder than other vinegar, and satisfying in many dishes. Even plain white vinegar will work.

Time: 3 weeks for most infusions.

2 March 2020



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student. https://nandajurela.com/

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