Happy Solstice. Happy Great Conjunction.
It is the first day of the new season: winter up here in the North, summer in the Southern hemisphere. So take that first step into your future today.
If you have taken the time to introspect this year, you have found many things to be grateful for and (the opposite!) things to leave in the past; you have identified what and who you can rely on, and how you can coax out your perseverance and resilience. You have asked yourself “What do I want the coming chapter of life to be?” Perhaps even, “How do I get there?”
Further, “Am I prepared for another situation as disruptive as a pandemic? What needs to happen, so that I make decisions that I can live with in a situation that challenges me in such a way? How do I move on? What have I gathered from 2020 that will help me on my journey forward?”
“What does my life communicate? What is Life trying to bring to my attention? What are my preferences?”
May this new season offer the answers and clarity… and many opportunities to feel your own zest for life.
Happy Return of the Light to us here in the North. Happy Peak of the Light to everyone living in the South of our planetary home.
Jupiter and Saturn are very close in the sky today, and look pretty much like one bright celestial body. Both Jupiter and Saturn have entered Aquarius now, and will remain there for a while. Many have indicated that the Age of Aquarius has come, or is about to establish itself. From the intuitive perspective, a lot of shifts have occurred since November this year, so that it makes sense — to me — to call it “well underway”.
The astrological interpretation of this event is that both good luck (the archetypal energy that Jupiter represents) and evaluation (represented by Saturn) are being poured into progress, groups and group consciousness, futuristic and humanitarian efforts that are associated with the sign of Aquarius.
People in whose birth chart Aquarius is prominent (for example, ascendant, sun, moon, or True Node in Aquarius) are affected by the Great Conjunction and both planets lingering in Aquarius: both good fortune, flourishing touches, recognition (Jupiter energy) and reality checks that sound like “How am I applying myself? How am I using my time and my gifts?” (Saturn energy) can be expected.
But everyone has Aquarius somewhere in the birth chart. The house where Aquarius is located represents the aspect of life that is affected by the joined forces of Jupiter and Saturn.
Aquarius is the futurist and the reformer of the zodiac. A lot of renewal will occur in the coming months at a fast pace. Participate in the renewal that you want to support. Renew yourself through new thoughts, meditation, a diet and lifestyle that energizes you, enough self-care and endorse the networks that you want to be part of. Local, loyal, low impact and loving are mottos for this time. So is “Do what you can with what you have got.”
Winter solstice 2020
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