Happy Birthday To Julia Cameron
I will write a longer writing of thanks to this Lady Of Creativity, whose work has been a companion to me since her first book ‘The Artist’s Way’.
I have given The Artist’s Way to so many creative friends in the 1990s, who back in the day did not know what to do with it. The genre was new. The foundation on which it stood — the 12 Step programs of the anonymous groups — did not appeal to my friends who had heavy addictions that they were not aware of. (I was, since I was the only sober person I knew. Ha ha.) From that initial rejection of my gift, that I declared genius, I got the message: it was me who needed it.
I have used many of her artist tools and still apply them.
In the new millennium, a lot of people, not only those working in the arts, have discovered Julia Cameron. She became a guru for the stimulation of everyone’s creativity. I am grateful to her for paving the way.
You can listen to a recent interview with Julia at
4 March 2021