From personal experience (which is limited, of course, and does not apply to all), I will add that a lot of these angry men have a girl-friend they are involved with, who is there for them, and who is lovely, sexy, supportive. But one girl-friend is not enough for those men. They want a whole harem... of women doting on them.
Psychologically, it appears to be a problem with mom. Mom didn’t give them the attention they needed when they were young children.. Therefore, nothing satisfies them.
I have a few friends who dismissed the suggestion to pay attention to the lady who is already in their life.
Plus, dating apps, pornography, anything to make themselves feel powerful and complaining about “women” — rather than appreciating who is there for them already and thrilled to love them… all that is a bad cocktail.
(And unattractive to young women who might give those men a try, if they showed more self-esteem and fondness.)
Jordan Peterson loves rubbing into the (perceived, utterly subjective) victimhood, because he knows he will get clicks when he touches wounds, the sense of inadequacy, the anger at mom who was too self-involved. Particularly when he talks with exaggerated indignation..
He himself has a few problems with his childhood too.
He is also a tool that augments confusion and irritation, instead or teaching those younguns some partnership skills and how to be seductive to a faithful and invested woman. Although he has a solid marriage and therefore, knows a few things he could pass on. In his mind, that angle doesn’t sell.
Not as much as insinuating that a gender war is inevitable.
It will take a while for all these people to wake up.