Earth Send On 4 October 2024

Nanda Jurela
5 min readOct 4, 2024


Painting by Josep Maria Prim Guytó (1907–1973)

Aloha, co-creators, co-meditators, reiki practitioners,

the Earth Send is on all day.

Join at a good time for you — with your creativity tool set — , at a spot that fills up your batteries, a large water bottle or jug, appealing offerings from the October garden, a few comfort elements, and reminders of reverence, awe and gratitude, of the creative power moving within you, and of what helps you meditate.

We are sending reiki to all who have asked for it.

Keep Shay in Florida on your healing list, until he finds his next home after the rehabilitation centre makes him leave. Shay is growing stronger every day. Recovering from such a serious op is a step-by-step way. Thank you for your spiritual assistance.

Before you start the session, run the Inner Smile through your body.

Savour it.

Then, greet the soil under your feet with the Inner Smile that you saturated yourself with.

We are grateful to the people who have poured their love and artistry into the land and from whose know-how, labour and clarity we benefit from today. Our body’s health is closely linked to the health of the soil and the water we eat and drink from.

We are also grateful to everyone helping us live a healthier, skillful and content life, to everyone standing up for basic goodness, harm reduction and win-win solutions and the values we want the generations after us to have access to.

As you get ready for the meditation, go over the key building blocks of well-being and grade yourself by how you are doing in regards to

— your water intake

— quality of sleep

— stress management

— exercice

— diet

— vitality, fitness, health maintenance

— health care appointments

— composure and optimism about your future

— finances

— current professional, business and civic red-tape issues

— work and service

— play and creative projects

— connection with your locality and your watershed

— your home’s and possessions’ upkeep

— your close relationships

Notice if your numbers tell you that you have improved or alert you to pay more attention in one area.

No need to act on anything just now. Simply take in what is and your feelings and thoughts about it.

After the session, you can write into your gratitude journal and onto your to-do-lists your insights, bright ideas or nudges about the self-quiz:

What is going well?

Where am I going?

Who may be a good contact to direct and support me in reaching my destination?

What new habits am I committing to?


A perfect score from your own grading is not the goal; our lives are too busy to be on top of everything all the time; but objective signifiers of well-being, personal safety and proactivity are a useful framework to observe and steer from.

For example, I often notice that I am capable of doing what needs to be done, even though I want to do something else. That is how I know that my ego is not antagonistic to wisdom, or running the show. On the contrary, on most days, I am open to better ways and input from a higher place than my mind can fathom, and I can overcome resistance, even though I would prefer to spend time in another way. At the same time, I detect weaknesses in my behaviour and in my self-care. Maybe hammers, harsh encounters and wake-up calls to put me back on track are not needed. A person who avoids herself or himself or info that something needs repair and a more mature attitude probably can not notice what I notice, so life has a different way of getting their attention… Once I grasp something that needs tending to, I do my best to fix it… Well, perhaps not today or tomorrow or this month, but soonish. I put a desire out to fix it, and it gets easier to get to it.

Yeah, I am a fan of foresight and of training foresight!

The self-quiz is a way to take your temperature or to grow in self-awareness. Your style is different than mine, you have other strengths, and you can draw on your strengths to cover the building blocks of well-being in your own way.

Last week, I mentioned that I had accepted a few deadlines. Despite a plan to structure the coming Earth Send invitations into monthly units, Oct-Nov-Dec, I haven’t done more than a raw draft so far. I am writing this invite spontaneously. Don’t expect one next week: it is my busiest week of the year! A simple “be welcome to Earth Send” is what I can do. Postponed is not abandoned… I guess in less than three weeks, you will read a Circle invitation that can set the tone for several Fridays in autumn.

Full disclosure: I am not over the viral infection I got in late August, either. On some days I felt that I beat it, but the symptoms returned again and again. So I am not out of the woods yet. I am not progressing at the pace I expected. I household with my energy, I mind that I meet deadlines, and I get things done in slo’ mo’.

Add to that a few big news offline that communicated to me that substantial changes are in store for me:

I will flow with the metamorphosis and purge less useful stuff out of my reality and make my YESses evident.

Not all of the upcoming changes are inconvenient, annoying or prompting hard choices; some are part of my vision maps. So there is a buzz and exhilaration about it: soon I am going to get my heart’s desire.

May we all receive what we envision and pray for. It is great to see manifestation processes unfold and come full circle and see the joy in your eyes because you were heard and answered.

As you go over your bucket lists and vision boards today, ask yourself: How ready am I for this?

Please get ready for it.

In gassho. I humbly receive.

4 October 2024



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student.

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