Earth Send on 3 November 2023

Nanda Jurela
6 min readNov 3, 2023


Water colour by Nita Engle (1925–2019)

We are sending reiki to this Circle (and our manifestations) and to all who requested it and are ready to receive it. We are sending our good thoughts to the unfolding and to situations that need assistance, love and clearing. We are sending our gratitude to everything good in our lives and that we want to thrive and develop. Welcome to another Earth Send on this Friday in November. Welcome to our meditation for the well-being of all life.

Please bring your manifestation memo (your vision board, action map, future life plan), so that reiki can flow through it.

Also bring a photo, or list, of your personal Gallery of Mudita featuring your counsel and support team, the people who left a mark on you and who you admire.

Bring your gratitude container where you store your keepsakes and memories of contentment, lucky events and happy synchronicities. It is okay to use a portable journal as a gratitude container, if you haven’t found a dimensional object that holds your items of gratitude. And vice versa: if a box, a basket, a vase or a bag with contents feels more real to you and turns your gratitude on, use that. Keep it simple and engaging to you.

A light-weight hybrid of a Gallery of Mudita and a gratitude container can be a large envelope printed with the faces of the people you chose as your counsel and support team; or a folder, or journal, whose cover or inside spine feature your Gallery of Mudita; or a booklet or scrapbook with an expanding pocket where you can deposit photos of your Mudita team…

Or something like that. If you like crafts, make a handy, easy-to-use and aesthetic hybrid container for your gratitude and your Gallery of Mudita. I am sure you can come up with a few interesting ideas! Even a small suitcase-like bag can work out, if that is what you have.

It is possible to keep everything digital, of course. In this case, you depend on your gadget, though. Tactile, hand-made tools involve beginners at manifesting more than a screen can.

For other satisfying ideas, read my suggestions in the Earth Send letters between January and August. I covered a lot of ground. Or get inspired by scrapbook tutorials.

My preferences are: smooth to touch, easy to carry, extra storage, repeatable, affordable and ready to use.

I talked so much about the possible shapes of a gratitude container and a Gallery of Mudita, so that you would discover what appeals to you and then modify it to your liking.

What is most important about all tools is that you use them!

Use them right away.

You can change the shape of all your tools later. For now, use what you have on hand to get into the practice of writing down what you are grateful for, of detecting your human support and advisor group (and getting them into one space, figuratively speaking), of imagining yourself in a future where you have completed meaningful, to you, processes, and you are no longer a spectator, consumer or digestor, but the designer, co-creator and fulfilled appreciator of your superb plans.

It is tempting to style ourselves as complainers, fault finders and pin balls of forces much bigger than ourselves. But now we take responsibility for our itineraries and for cleaning up our lives. That means that we step back from narratives that discourage us from being responsible.

In the mindfulness and healing community, the widespread challenges are about personal safety, deprivation, a history of trauma that made alternative lifestyles and interpretations so attractive to us in the first place. It is a remarkable success that we could remove ourselves from unwell environments. But let’s go beyond mere survival and survival conditioning. Let’s aim for health, for stability, for a bit of mastery, for dreamlike achievements even!

All these goods originate in our will and are fed by our staying power.

We manifest what we love when we practise envisioning it.

Envision with all your senses. The more, the merrier.

As a shortcut reminder, a visual representation of your most significant goals is immensely potent. It can centre you in any mood and while the clues that you can indeed obtain them are few.

That is why vision maps are so helpful. We don’t have to be in the right setting, have the optimal feelings every awake minute, be of unshakeable faith, come from perfect nurturing or from pampering, have enough access to the correct resources in order to benefit and in order to make it happen.

Your Gallery of Mudita serves as a reminder of perhaps unexplored know-how, fellowship and evidence that what you envision has been done before.

The practice of writing down what you are grateful for (instead of staying mum about it) is progressively therapeutic. It is one of the best practices to stay connected with your heart and to evolve as a human being. It is uplifting and amusing too to read your lists of thanks again and to indulge in the memories that drew out your gratitude.

Keep your gratitude container near you in our Friday sessions. So you can jot down more as revelations rise in the meditation.

Your gratitude container brings pure and positive vibrations to any form of self-care activity. Learn to incorporate it every time you do something for yourself.

On Fridays, give yourself as much comfort as you can take in.

All pieces of the suggested tool kit are enhancements to the Reiki Circle.

Of course, I have no way to check if you did your homework. But I recommend that you seize the opportunity to have it treated with reiki and with the good-will in our get-togethers.

It is not easy to put in words the effects of letting love in. But we all have felt it. These experiences are high-lights in pretty much everyone’s life’s journey. So why not give your dreams, your gratitude, your group of motivators the loving treatment, too?

May your day go easy. May your harvest be tasty and abundant.

A few days ago, a rabbit jumped on my path, reminding me that this is the final spurt of the Year of the Rabbit. It has been a dynamic, change-intensive year for me, and I still have ways to go, as elements of deep repair are to be tackled. I will not have to repeat this year in the future, thank goodness. I learned that there is dignity in keeping your nose to the grindstone. From the outside in, checking off things that need to get done bears no resemblance to a rollercoaster or to escapism. But it is with gratitude that I arrive in the last phase of this undertaking. I am content with what I learned about myself and about how to adapt to what was needed.

Rabbit is the archetype of prolific productivity with no attachment to outcomes, of prosperity, of sophistication, of harmlessness and of rebirth.

This has been, and still is, an auspicious year to redefine yourself. If you have embarked on a new career, a new academic, creative or social path, if you have been exploring a plant-based diet, financial sanity, sustainable concepts that you want to keep up, if you have not been hypnotized by the wars that put money in the pockets of the vile and victimize countless of people who are given no choice, if you were able to set the tone of cooperation and balance in your home, neighbourhood, organizations and travels, if you have been cleaning up your act or cleaning up your home, may fortune shower you with the best there is.

It is a great year to redefine yourself, to adapt to new learning, promotions and recognition, to a higher plane of health and well-being, to respond to cues of “that sounds fun, I am in!”, to put obstacles behind you, and to be kind and tender with those you love. Before February 2024, a lot can happen, still. May love light your way.

I humbly receive, itadakimasu.

3 November 2023



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student.

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