Earth Send On 27 October 2023

Nanda Jurela
2 min readOct 27, 2023


from a selection of stored images years ago

We are meeting in the Circle again, holding the vision of contentment for all life on earth and of lucky events for today’s participants. We are sending reiki to all who requested it.

Please bring your vision and goal map — even in its incomplete shape of today — to this Circle, so healing can flow through it.

You can also bring your gratitude container to the session, so it is ready for you to jot down new items of gratitude that rise in the session.

Your list of reiki recipients is a good thing to keep near you, too.

A portable version (for example, a photo) of your Gallery of Mudita that features your personal mentors, counsel and support team of this time helps to uplift the setting, reinforce gratitude and good feelings about your process.

Make a habit of bringing your own tools to the reiki circle on Fridays. As we are living in a time of a lot of uncertainty, grief and shocking news in the world, our tools will prioritize to us what we can effect and clarify to us how to use the time and resources we have toward issues that we can change.

If you have urgent situations in your life, focus on them first and apply your savvy to solve and carry them down. By freeing yourself from challenges, you are serving the greater good.

May your Friday be friendly and lovely.

Love and gratitude to all of you.

27 October 2023



Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Mindfulness appreciator.