Earth Send On 24 November 2023

Nanda Jurela
3 min readNov 24, 2023


Vegetable and fruit mandala by Shutterstock

We are meeting in our meditation for the well-being of all life and our weekly reiki send.

Bring your vision map to this Earth Send, so that reiki can circulate through your goals and aspirations.

I warmly recommend that you keep your gratitude container and your Gallery of Mudita — photos or quotes of your mentors and motivators — near you, too. So that you can write down more of what you are grateful for and feel supported by the people who you look up to, who can advise you and who have already manifested something that you want to bring about, too.

In the last months, it dawned on me why I was urged to share about the Gallery of Mudita with practitioners. Of course, we always want to expand our circle and our awareness of interdependence. On a practical level, your Gallery of Mudita is a reminder to centre yourself in what you can change. And to let go …a bit… of other involvements.

It is very easy to let caregiving, turbulence without, empathic participation, worry about the future or obligations derail you from showing up for yourself and from developing as a human being. A lot of people end up with more life issues because they are not clear about their own limits and that we can not truly serve from an empty cup. A lot of people mistake entertainment and high drama too for nourishment, inner work and fulfilment. A lot of people still have a poor picker; their network is made up of clients only; in a crisis, they have too few reliable friends or family to lean on. A lot of people in our community have begun to mend our root chakra topics, and there is dignity in that. The time is always right to clean up, to course correct, to reinvent yourself. Mindfulness will reveal to you where to bring more balance to your life.

Your Gallery of Mudita reminds you that you have projects ahead of you and that you can step back from emotionally draining or disturbing scenarios.

Thanks to the media, we know a lot about many conflicts, and, in comparison, too little about what made people persevere, reach a few goals and transform their lot. So understand that the perspective we obtain by volunteering as a consumer of mass media is skewed: they engage intense emotions like fear, hurt, dread, cynicism, prejudice and doom and extraordinarily rarely confidence boosting emotions, “aha moments”, well-being, faith in humanity, faith in the earth.

We are sending reiki to all who have asked for it and are ready to receive it. We are sending our gentle blessings and approval to everything good happening in the web of life and to our own corner of the earth, where good is happening — because we are involved in it, and the people we respect are in it, too. We are sending gratitude to the elements that support life, countless lives and our own, and gratitude to the beings who are contributing to our life, security and joy. We send good thoughts to all situations that benefit from good thoughts.

May the human family grow in wisdom, wherewithal and cohesion. May we surround ourselves with well-matched people. May we cherish compatible spouses, our own, or the ones we witness. May we keep advancing our own evolutions. May we discover our own journeys as sacred.

I humbly receive, in santosha.

Grateful to you all for the 18 years and five months of partaking. What a gift that is!

Let your Friday refresh you.

24 November 2023



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student.

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