Earth Send On 19 April 2024

Nanda Jurela
15 min readApr 19, 2024


Thanks to Kichigin for the photo

Welcome to the Circle of Mindfulness

Santosha / contentment, with Rainbow Tribe Reiki — Fridays, all day

Welcome, friends, welcome co-creators, to this fine Friday in mid April. Welcome to our meditation for the well-being of all life on earth. Welcome to Earth Send.

The Earth Send

June 2005 — now

We are approaching our 19th anniversary in two months. The record of nearly 19 years of Fridays is mind-blowing. Yet here we are, doing it, still, after all this time, and going strong. Respect. We rock!

We Sync

On Fridays

By day only. Not by the hour.

From the 24 hours available in your region on Fridays, choose a time that works best for you.

Stick with it for your convenience and ease.

How You Benefit From Participating

An established grid of love and healing such as ours offers you prompt and cumulative boons: you can take a bath in the good energy right away. The energy is ready for everyone who wants to come in.

Come in. Be welcome.


Meditators, Well-wishers, Co-creators

Reiki-curious participants who are not practising reiki yet can meditate with us:

please bring your good thoughts and explore the handful of creativity tools that we have been integrating into our Friday sessions. These creativity tools go well with each other, support meditation, wake up your mind to pleasure and purpose, and make you receptive to intuitive input and wisdom.

Some creativity tools have gone mainstream by now. Others were developed by me. I am not keeping them to myself, because I want you to benefit from them, too. Playing with these tools is fun, and you will harvest significant outcomes in an unexpectedly short time. However, you do need to get involved and not just read my words. Reading my words is fine, but you can only find out what is in those words when you participate as well with your creativity tools, your own answers, your truth.

At this point, people all over the globe use an action map or a vision board of some kind or write lists of action steps to a desired outcome. Bosses train their personnel in goal mapping and put team goals on display to boost team cohesion and drive. Entrepreneurs, artisans, artists and athletes map out a target they want to reach within a few months’ time. Visionary learners, researchers, scientists, writers and event managers work with a planner to meet both their output and deadlines, to organize their days better and to carve out enough downtime. A lot of personal development methods used by high achieving individuals and groups committed to excellence can also be adapted to recreational, health and fitness goals, to self-management, hobbies and trailblazing innovational goals, to acquisitions, vacations, concerts, volunteering and many other projects we secretly dream about and are kindled to manifest but shirk away from, and even to cooperative, social goals like bringing good people into your sphere, living in content and comforting orderly partnerships and parenting with respect, love and skill.

Well, this is your opportunity to pick a goal and give it what it needs to germinate and grow.

If you already have a bucket list or a basic vision map (that could use a growth booster from the universal life energy, aloha), take a photo of it and bring the photo to our session.

If you have never written a bucket list or drew up a vision map, list five things you want to experience in this lifetime, and come to the session with it.

Go over your sketch of things to look forward to and polish it up before next week. Get a palm-sized photocopy or photo of it, and bring it to this Circle. That list, that compilation of images, that mind map is your creativity tool #1.

Creativity Tool #1 = Action Map

Taking your poster down from the wall where you hung it up may not be practical, so let us work with a hard-wearing, smaller copy that you can carry along. That printout or photo will fit into a wallet, or an ID card sleeve. I do not promote plastics or plastic laminations, but there is silicone. And perhaps you already have an unused protective sleeve the size of a library, bank or commute card laying around? Store it in there, and it is weatherproof. An ID card is small indeed, but offers enough surface for your major goals, and it is so discreet that every time you want a fast pick me-up, you can take a look at it, and then make it disappear in your pocket again. More than 12 goals at any given time is overload, three to six are ideal, and one is enough — all of that fits onto a library card, hey. So a copy of that size is super user-friendly.

Your goal map, whether you have made 4000 or this is your first, has to make sense to you in your situation.

Make your objectives fit you and improve your life condition. Choose credible and theoretically obtainable aims, even if they seem daunting and you are less than certain that you can get them. Now they may be far out of your comfort zone and what you have known so far, but a luckier version of you and you with more self-worth would be a (likely) candidate for your objectives.

That is what we are going for! It is good when your goals are measurable and time-bound, too, following the SMART acronym: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.

We focus on defined and communicable goals and steer away from too fluid, arguable, mood dependent, difficult to measure, fantasy world and arbitrary goals. (I explained in many Earth Send invitations why.)

If you prefer a goal that is felt, for example, I feel… <insert your adjective>, adjust it a bit to approximate the 5 words in the acronym. That lets you zone in closer to what makes you feel as you want to feel and removes confusion later when it arrives.

A straightforward desire, like spending quality time with someone you love, or on a leisure pursuit, turns into a goal with a few tweaks like place, time, duration, frequency and the commitment to go through with it, and then, into a repeatable experience.

And, there is a first time for everything:

the income, the contract, the expo, the relationship, the safari, the home in that area code, the vehicle or any other desire that features on your vision map.

It is okay to feel stretched and challenged and less than clued in about how all the pieces will fall into place…

But do name what you want. What about it is essential and non-negotiable?

That is how you prepare your mind for that first time.

Accept that it will take a leap out of what is familiar to you and that you will leap.

Do not talk yourself out of it. There is a better way!

If an aim is too vast, too layered and just too big, break it up in manageable units. That gives you markers of progress and stop-overs where you can process that you are indeed moving toward your aim. Bit-by-bit units remind you to cooperate with the process.

Rather than store your ideas on the mental plane for later, for “when the time comes”, for that one time when you won’t be too tired, too broke, too lazy, finally ready enough to take that bull by the horns, slim enough, established enough, worthy enough… Get the drift? Mental chatter is often no more than a glib excuse finder. Abandoning good ideas doesn’t serve you. Neither does putting off what you can do here and now.

It is okay to dream big. Make yourself available to your dream in order to manifest it.

Creativity Tool #2 = Gratitude Container

A gratitude container is the second creativity tool that found its way into popular culture since the aughts. A lot of people of all ages write gratitude journals, or gratitude lists, or own a cute container into which they drop keepsakes and tokens of gratitude and handwritten notes every time they feel sparklingly grateful … and the cup runneth over. Even if writing about gratitude wasn’t popular by now, it is a wonderful and satisfying practice.

If you have never tried to record what you are grateful for, what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose and much to gain: an awareness of positives, a waxing volume of good feelings, and the presence of mind to savour and to extend them.

If you are a pro at recording gratitude, keep going!

Keep your gratitude container near your bed. Make it the first and the last thing you see every day. You can fetch it and scribble into it before sleep and when you wake up at night and want to ease back into sleep; and when you wake up in the morning, your eyes see it first thing, an aide-memoire to what you are already grateful for. Do not underestimate environmental affirmations of pink emotions.

If you sleep next to your partner, he or she can get into the habit of giving thanks, too. Sharing in a ritual of gratitude with a lover is promising, bonding and beautiful.

A gratitude container augments your awareness of everything that is going well for you and of the goodness that is already in your life as it is. It highlights to you the experiences that you find delicious and momentous, and it nudges you to make them happen again.

Creativity Tool #3: Gallery of Mudita

The Gallery Of Mudita is a creativity tool that grew out of the exercice “Gather Evidence” that what you want has already been made real by people or someone ahead of you.

Mudita is a Sanskrit word that translates to the spontaneous joy we feel from the good news, good fortune and happiness of others.

This sentiment is something the dog-eats-dog world deems obsolete, too trusting and too victimy, but it is common among most apes and more common than not in healthier and advancing communities… Living in settings where these feelings flow in and out freely is very healing. So is leading with mudita in our own sphere of influence. If indeed we find ourselves in places where it is “too offensive” to express mudita, we give ourselves a bit of extra room to be ourselves and to feel our wholesome feelings. (And grow the courage to detach from environments that do not want it and have a low opinion of humanity.)

And who could be a more suitable recipient of mudita than the people who we look up to, who mentor and advise us and who have indeed achieved something that we would like for ourselves?

For creativity tool #3, “Gallery of Mudita”, we select people not randomly from our address book, but who have something in common with the aspirations we expressed on our vision maps:

people who have already come into possession of a slice or of the whole pie of what we want for ourselves and can give us direction, tips, background info and a strategy… People who are teaching and mentoring us and serving us in their role and because they care. In short, our team of advisors and role models.

Put their names, faces, or photos in one spot — onto a large poster, into a notebook, a jar, a clear stadium bag, or onto a shelf in your home.

In our reikisend, we use the portable and less precious version of this tool. A photo, a foldable printout or a mini-printout, for example.

Keep the Gallery of Mudita human and not-you.

Subtle And Nature Helpers

(Are a Separate Category, Not In the Gallery Of Mudita)

Angels, nature devas and beings from subtler planes may be among the best helpers in the worldliest of dilemmas and circumstances. But we limit the Gallery of Mudita to people who have incarnated and are able to give you feedback in person, over the phone, in writing or through teaching materials.

If you want to showcase ethereal helpers and objects that have sacred meaning to you on a tray, a fireplace, a table, behind glass or in a bowl, that is fine. Almost all healing practitioners, meditators and manifestors have some exhibits that resemble altars and are not to be touched by just anyone and are shorthand for “connect with the Higher Power” (of my understanding). Call it a bid to the creative juices, a festive seduction to a reverent, grateful and inspired state of mind, a meditation aid.

You can bring an object from your table of sacred reminders when you are not near it to our sessions.

Do not fuse your mini-oasis with your Gallery of Mudita, though. Let each have its own function.

Pictures of totem animals, spirit guides, planets, the cosmos, of young children, your babies, pets and beings who are making you a better person belong into a gratitude and motivational station. Do not feature them in your Gallery of Mudita.

Other Ambiental Supports and Mood Setting

If I haven’t mentioned something else that lets you feel awe for life and unwind and puts you in the mood for meditation, be free to bring it to the session. Sonic beautifiers, your meditation cushion or mat, softer clothes or an aromatherapy lamp are examples of ambiental supports…

Of course, I am not talking about intoxicants and addictive substances.

So the tool kit to bring to the session are handy versions of creativity tools #1, #2 and #3

  • your action map / action checklist / vision board (creativity tool #1 can look varied from person to person, and these variations are signs of individuality and preference — all good!)
  • your gratitude container
  • your Gallery of Mudita

Everything else is “extra”.


Reiki Practitioners

We who practise and teach reiki are sending reiki to everyone present here and their session tool kit.

We hold the vision of our circle in utter health and utter joy — whether or not you are working on topics and have a tool kit.

For future Earth Sends, it is better that you bring your tool kit with you. Reiki will circulate through it and support where you are heading.

After we let reiki circulate through our circle and our tool kits, we are sending reiki to all the names on our reiki request lists.


Healing Requests and Personal and Group Healing Lists

Be Fair to the Group

Do Your Part

If you have requested reiki for yourself, do your part to recover from what you want help for and to manifest your wish. Be fair to the group means that you will inform us when you are no longer in need of healing and assistance. Please let us know about successes too, when you have manifested what you have asked support for, and have good news to share. Also inform us when you have changed your plan and that you are focusing on a new thing.

If you have requested healing for someone else, communicate whether they have requested reiki, or want good thoughts and prayers, or lightwork.

You can request healing for a region in peril, or animals, too.


Group Focus for this Session

Well-being of all life.

Sanity and unity and harmony.


Personal Intention For this Session

Useful questions to ask yourself are

  • What do I hope for in this session?
  • What energies do I want to anchor in the place I dwell in?

Use your answers to come up with an intention that you can put yourself behind and that serves you and the web of life.

Some intentions that work for many participants could be one or all of the following:

“I welcome all the resources I need, and I respect and am generous with my abundance.”

“May my participation serve the enlightenment of countless beings.”

“By being with this Circle, I draw to me what is for my higher good.”

“By being with this Circle, I discover what I am compatible with.”

“By being with this Circle, I connect with what I resonate with.”

“For the highest good of all. For my highest good, too.”

By formulating an intention for your meditation, you train your mind to make the best of your time. You also personalize and bring yourself into an experience that could feel hazy, misty and unrelated to you, as it puts a spotlight on your life within the living world. Our life is where our power, our agency and our life force is. So we bring our awareness to the life that we know and live.


Inner Smile

Run the Inner Smile through your body today.

Decide that you will run it through your body at least once a day this week.


Land and Watershed Acknowledgement

As we move into our reiki session, we connect with the land under our feet. We connect with the respect and love its first people gave it — by observing its peculiar traits, the water cycle and its ebb and flow, and how sky and earth interact–, and with the celebratory appreciation of harvests and good news. Yes, the original residents tended the land like it was a treasure, because it was their treasure, their giver of food, entertainment, gratefulness, spiritual observations and a reason to come together. They identified and propagated edible and medicinal plants, enriched and strengthened the land, made it more fertile and useful to the community. We acknowledge the link between bioregion and human beings and all who walked and grew here before us. We say thanks for the opportunity to shape our corner with our unique gifts, our appreciation and awareness of the good fortune we are given now and to increase its hardiness and health and its productivity and felicity.

We also connect with our watershed, the local source of life, refreshment and purification. Thank you, water. Please forgive us, water. We love you, water.


On this day, we find security in the Earth Send (sangha), in the five precepts of reiki (dharma) that express right conduct, self-correction, the will to take in the good that is available here and now, amity and good will, and in the wisdom keepers we open our hearts and minds to (buddha).


The five reiki precepts are

Just for today

I will not worry

I will not anger

I will work honestly

I will honour my teachers and elders

I will be grateful for all the blessings I enjoy

Let’s not just recite the precepts. Let’s try to comprehend what they say about behaviour and attitude modification and about how to live a fulfilling life. Let us cultivate the virtues and the grace to shift perceptions, flakiness and shortcomings, and be sincere in the walk with these precepts. We would be living in a different world and on a highly elevated and melodious plane, if a majority of people lived by these precepts. Let’s not take for granted the people who take them seriously, but approve of them, be grateful to them and cheer for them!


Gaia, All My Relations, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, Interbeing

Team Up

Now more than ever is an auspicious time to be a good neighbour and to get involved in local restorations of the ecology, in repairs to community spirit, and in peacemaking, which is where you will find people with compatible values who can function in teams and for common goals, have a way and sense about them, and who make good friends and peers.

Restorative Reciprocity

The earth is a community of life forms. Many indigenous and old languages have no word for loneliness. The earth is not a planet of loneliness. Subjective reality may suggest solitariness or “loneliness”, you may have joined here as a single person and split from associations that have run its course not long ago, but you have trees outside of your home, a plant, a pet, or human companions in your house… Open your mind to your community and what it needs. Become more conscious of the relational reality we all live in.

Do not use temperament, learning style, personality and astrological profile or “geography” as an excuse to deprive yourself of a circle of friends and to avoid people. Surrounding yourself with people you can rely on by mid age, or earlier, is actually a big deal. If you are middle-aged now and you don’t have that, it is time to come out of isolation, reach out and network, choose suitable people and work on having good relationships. Starve negative attitudes about humanity. They are not your own, but something we have been poisoned with.

Rainbow Tribe Reiki is a communal type of reiki, inspired by the template of our planet and its communal and relational make-up.

We support all efforts to become wiser and to live better and more connected.



What made you feel glad to be alive this week?

Have you moved forward in one or more manifestations lately?



How is your self-care now?

Have you been kinder to yourself?

How is your sleep?

Are you eating the right foods for you? Do you need to course correct?

Are you drinking enough water?

What is your exercice like? Would you like to try a different work-out? When will you do it?

Is there anything about your grooming that you would like to improve?

Have I perhaps omitted an area of self-care that you would like to tackle? What is it? When are you starting with it?

Imagine being well taken care of. What does that feel like?


Self-Care Reminder For the Coming Week:

Do more of what feels good.


May this Friday enrich you with insight and love and an energetic level-up.

The Lyrids are peaking this weekend, as Taurus season is beginning.

I am grateful to the rain that helps green up my corner. Just for today, I imagine a rain of transformation and abundance for all my readers. Be blessed!

I humbly receive. I bow to the universal life energy flowing through us all on this refreshing day in spring.

Last not least: I dedicate this Earth Send to my son who made me laugh this week, when I asked him to watch his backpack on campus. “It is the university, Mom, we are not in the ‘hood”. I was amused and elated about his enviable exam grades and grateful for the journey so far.

19 April 2024



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student.

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