Earth Send On 16 August 2024

Nanda Jurela
6 min readAug 17, 2024


Sun’s Last Kiss, by Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith (1846–1923)

On this gorgeous Friday in August, we are meeting in our meditation for the well-being of all life and in our reiki circle. Welcome to Earth Send.

Yesterday marked the 159th anniversary of Mikao Usui’s birth. Have you taken in the fine vibes of 15 August? Have you felt gratitude for the system of self-healing that he introduced, developed and taught to over 2000 students and that found its way to you and into your repertoire of restorative practices? If not, now is a good time to connect with your feelings for him and how he has touched your life. It is an honour to be part of his lineage.

August is a month for vacations, relaxing and indulging in the rich supply of nature’s bounty, beauty and restorative and generative power.

If you have just returned from vacation or from a remarkable outing, bring your best memories to the forefront of your mind. Savour them. Then, store them in your mind as appealing features of your Island of Self.

(The late Buddha taught his students the concept of the Island of Self as an inner sanctuary that they could visit to refresh themselves and find comfort and answers at.

I have been using my Island of Self in many meditations, as a resource for my inner work and as a place of inspiration. Of course, it is a tropical island with August weather being the standard.

I suggest that you decorate your Island of Self with your favourite scenes as a gift to your future. Perhaps you don’t know yet how you will make use of it, but make it as sumptuous and opulent and to your liking as you can… Later you will comprehend how valuable that is.)

If you are leaving for a vacation soon, go into it with the aim to collect sensual impressions for your Island of Self: panoramic vistas, uplifting tree, flower, fruit and sea scents, nature sounds and tactile memories…

And we don’t have to drive or fly away. Our own turf is glorious, prolific and spectacular in August, too.

When you are ready, acknowledge the land under your feet and its original residents and cultivators. If you also want to acknowledge the regions where your ancestors grew their food and made their meaningful memories, do that, too. It connects your body with the earth body in a gentle and warm way.

Before we enter this Friday’s meditation, let us run the Inner Smile through the body.

As you move your Inner Smile through your body, from your mouth over your face to your crown, along the back of your neck into your chest, over your arms to your fingertips, into your belly and along your spine into your pelvis, down your legs all the way to your toes, notice if there is any tension and release it. Just let it fade and relax a little more.

Then, move the smile up again to your heart and allow it to settle there.

Now that we scanned and combed the energy within the body, let us scan the state of our well-being and self-care.

On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you place

– your self-attention

at this time? (It is good to write it down. Otherwise, simply notice the number.)

– your water intake?

– your body’s flexibility, strength and stamina?

– the quality of your sleep?

– your overall vitality and positive attitude?

– your calm and stress tolerance?

– your ability to make sound decisions and to stick to them?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like the place you live in?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how do you rate

– your social life


– your relevant friendships?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with what you do in your free time?

Do you have a few ideas about what you would like to curb and what you would like to amp up?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your creative expressions?

Are you putting off being creative for reasons you could practically solve? Would a wise person advise you to solve them and to play more often?

On a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your work, service and income situation?

Do you wonder about alternatives? Would you like to change course? Is it time for something new? Or, would you like to stay in the field and work in a somewhat different style, in a different position perhaps, or with a better attitude?

No need to act on your awareness just yet. Simply observe what input you are receiving.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your money management?

Do you feel peace or anxiety when you think about finances? What would peace feel like?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your domestic life?

How supportive are your family, your partner, or your roommates?

How supportive are you of them? Which daily routines could you change a bit to improve the mood at home?

Now ask yourself:

– What can I do this week to raise those numbers?

– When will I do that?

If all you got were 10s, well, keep up your great habits and give yourself credit for staying so focused on well-being.

I rarely reach 10s, by the way. My experience is that most practitioners put others before themselves and have a bit of chaos, some “situations”, a few unresolved issues or disruptions. More often than not it takes a shake-up, or a revelation, to refocus on what is in our power to change.

It is possible to open up to wisdom without a lot of drama, though. Allow yourself to think “Information is coming to me, and I take it in. I am learning by opening my mind to information.”

To me, numbers over 5 mean that I am quite okay and leaning into surplus.

Be sincere with yourself and give yourself room for improvement and seize opportunities to grow your satisfaction with your life.

(We all have had enough bad examples of people who got stuck in negativity, learned helplessness, chronic vexation, finger pointing and conflict seeking, self-deception, or resignation with dysfunction, irresponsibility, depression, what have you. It may seem common, but do not normalize it.

Think of yourself as someone capable of improving your life condition and of breaking patterns and of living with gratitude.)

I encourage writing down what deep meditative states are showing you, so that you can look up what resources and guidance you already have at your disposal and to record your progress. It is exciting to accumulate merits, to put not so good things behind us and to move forward.

In this spirit, may today’s Earth Send go well. May we wake up to the blessings in our lives, have a worry- and anger-free day and a worry- and anger-free weekend. May we respect what we have been given by our teachers and ancestors, and may we show up with sincerity to our tasks and nurture what benefits the web of life and us.

Reiki is going out to all who requested it. Light goes out to your gardens, to your three creativity tools, to your initiative and to your learning. Thanks to all who lead with love. Thanks to all who have fed my sanity, contentment and know-how.

Thanks to all who sent reiki my way when I was injured. I healed completely, and I am on my feet every day.

In gassho. I humbly receive.

16 August 2024



Nanda Jurela
Nanda Jurela

Written by Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Feng Shui student.

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