Born On This Day: William Morris

Nanda Jurela
Mar 25, 2021
William Morris, born on born on 24 March 1834–1896. Photo: Morris archive

William Morris was born on this day in 1834.

William Morris a lot more than a designer, artist, activist, thinker and writer. He was a multi-gifted visionary. In his writings, he made a strong case for the appreciation of a hand-made life, the balance of self-sustaining labour and contemplation, the opportunity to create a way of life that was quite like our era’s cottage industries and urban homesteads that are both, a source of income for the household and the household itself — at a time when England was industrializing.

All good things come back as a trend.

Design by William Morris

24 March 2021



Nanda Jurela

Writer. Poet. Educator. Holistic healing facilitator since 1995. Water, Gaia, music lover. Garden grower. Mindfulness appreciator.